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Slow Day in MMA News, Lets Talk about US!

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04.13.2011 | 11:49 AM ET

Since it's a slow day in the world of MMA, I thought it would be cool to talk about Tapology and ourselves.. anything at all regarding the same.  I'll get a brief start going..

I live in PA, am 30 and have been a fan of MMA since I was a teenager.  Work for the railroad and rarely ever miss an event regardless of promotion/stature.  I like Tapology b/c of the environment it fosters.  I wish we could edit/delete our posts... maybe have categories of threads for the forums, but all in all, I appreciate the type of place this is thus far. 

"All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer, but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved" – Sun Tzu, "The Art of War"

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11.10.2016 | 7:34 PM ET

Everyone please just remember that largely we discourage politics talk here because it can get nasty and divide us, when more than anything we're here because we're together as MMA fans.

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11.11.2016 | 2:11 AM ET


Those pics are the most disingenuous characterization of Trump supporters ever.  That would be like me saying the New Black Panthers and such represent all Obama/Clinton supporters.  That doesn't excuse the actions of the individuals that carry out this crap, as they are disgusting bigots who should be reprimanded.  But god man, don't paint people like me and others in such broad strokes when you don't want to be painted the same.

You really want to know who is to blame for Trump's rise?  Not the KKK, not David Duke, and not even Trump himself.  The Democrats have only themselves blame. For 20+ years since the late 80s, the overwhelming majority of politicians in the Democratic Party (along with every other Center Left party in the West) have been abandoning their liberal values after being embarrassed and dominated by Conservative parties like the Republicans for the better part of the 1970s and the entirety of the 1980s.  And what did they trade those values for?  Control and maintaining power in government while adopting a mindset of lying and swindling to the public all so they can get re-elected.  And this mindset notably came about when the Dems won with...*drum roll*...BILL CLINTON.  The guy who repealed the Glass-Steagal Act via Gramm-Leach-Bliley (which helped in facilitating the 2007 economic crash), The guy whose 1994 Crime Bill was filled with so much pork barrel spending and was focused on incarceration instead of rehabilitation.  The guy who signed NAFTA, the biggest trade deal disaster that stripped America of manufacturing jobs (only to be tentatively eclipsed by the TPP).  The guy who failed to restructure Social Security and Medicare.  The guy who passed so much legislation in favor of Wall Street and multinational banks. That *******.  That slimy corrupt worm who stabbed the working class and lower middle class core of the Democratic base in the back, left them hanging out to dry, and get screwed over worse when Bush came into office. 

Meanwhile, any and all liberals left in the party that existed got pushed out and replaced with Center-Right Democrats who are two faced politicians and hard left Frankfurt School Marxists who bastardized the terms "liberal" and "progressive".  All of whom cater to the snobbish rich elites and the upper middle class. 

Then in 08, the Dems had a candidate in Obama painted as an outsider who could bring change and liberal values back to the party, and then he slowly became a democrat establishment shill who did more of the same as Clinton and Bush, while only handing out token policies that did little to nothing to help the base.  And what did the DNC do to carry on his "legacy"? Bring in another Center-Right democrat in Hillary (who changes her opinion with the polls like her husband) and **** over populist in Bernie Sanders all in the name of nepotism and back room deals.

The DNC has become a party of republican-lites and champagne socialists who never struggled for anything in their life that drove out working class and lower-middle class Americans who they were supposed to defend with their ridiculous rhetoric and pushed them over to the Republicans.  And as someone who used to consider himself a Democrat (now a political independent), I am sickened by it.

And if the little Marxist SJWs want to become more radical, they can go ahead.  The more they do, the more they will make the public hate them and everything they stand for.  Because their authoritarian way of handling things has become persona non grata and it makes them look no better than thugs.

* Edited at 11.11.2016, 3:39 AM ET *


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11.11.2016 | 3:41 AM ET

I don't think its disingenuous at all. I'm not saying that is what all Trump supporters are like but these are not isolated incidents. The rhetoric Trump used during the election at best didn't disuade and at worst encouraged this type of behavior. Trump needs to come out and condemn that behavior and distance himself from that section of his base. It's clear that one supporter missed Trumps acceptance speech where he said he would do everything in his power to protect the rights of the LGBT community.

Do you honestly think people who request you use more polite speech and avoid stereotypical statememts and generalization are as bad as violent criminals?

"It does not make sense that humans deliberately malfunction. - Upgrade"

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11.11.2016 | 5:10 AM ET


First off, Trump isn't responsible for the horrible acts that some of his more radical followers do in his name.  The only thing I think Trump has responsibility for is in a call to action scenario for physical violence.  But even then, his supporters are adult individuals that should know that they are responsible for their actions and what is right and what is wrong, and it is not Trump's job to parent grown adults and treat them like they are children.

Secondly, to answer your question, yes I do believe they are. Because the ill-defined nature of a simple phrase such as "people who request you use more polite speech and avoid stereotypical statements/generalizations" is a disgusting, Orwellian way of window dressing what they are actually doing, and that is censoring people and condemning people for committing thought crime.  Anyone who tries to language police in a free democratic society like the ones we enjoy in the West are outright disgusting individuals who deserve to be mocked.  To me, people who try and control how people talk through passive aggressive language policing are no better than the terrorists who butchered the cartoonists at Charlie Hebdo and JyllandsPostens in the name of Allah. The way I see it, if you aren't willing to defend people who say thing you vehemently disagree with, then what is the point of having free speech laws?  Free speech isn't meant to protect popular speech, it is meant to protect dissenting speech and the moment you start making distinctions on what speech is not acceptable to express, you mark the point from where you can further justify censoring until it comes back and bites you in the ass.  To me, it's either all okay, or none of it is. 

* Edited at 11.11.2016, 5:18 AM ET *


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11.11.2016 | 10:07 AM ET

See we have some agreements here people or groups should not be judged by the worst most radical elements. All Trump supporters shouldn't be judged by the racists and the bigots who support him and do stuff like that in his name, Muslims shouldn't be judged by terrorist who do horrible unthinkable actions in the name of Allah, Undocumented immigrants shouldn't be all judged by the very few that are violent criminals.

I agree Free speech is there to protect unpopular opinions. Free speech allows people to say and think whatever they want but it also allows other to get mad about the language people chose to use. It kind of works both ways. You can say the new Ghostbusters movie ****d my childhood. They have the right to say using the word **** is insensitive. In turn you have the right to tell them to get over it and not take everything so literally.
Free speech doesn't mean you can say whatever you want and nobody is allowed to get mad or offended. It just means the government can't make laws to prevent you from speaking your mind.

Again comparing SJWs to terrorist is a massive stretch. They aren't holding a gun to your head they are asking you to empathize with other people. The people in the above are practicing free speech and now I will practice it as well by call them racist, small minded people that represent the worst of America and are a disgrace to the ideals this country holds dear.

* Edited at 11.11.2016, 10:27 AM ET *

"It does not make sense that humans deliberately malfunction. - Upgrade"

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11.11.2016 | 10:13 AM ET

Polithicks is Kool

Bcos it reminds me how much I hate humans ( including myself ) and how much i prefer animals / more simple life forms ( let's slug it out with some wild boars , PRIDE rules , aim for the eyes , stay off the ground, no matter what happens, stay off the ground !!!)

* Edited at 11.11.2016, 3:31 PM ET *

"I am the greatest blonde man in the world. I am Tru Viking." - Alexander Gustaffsson / "The world must bow to my glory. I am a God amongst mortals. They must pay me tribute in wine and concubine for my deeds." - Jon Jones "

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11.11.2016 | 10:57 AM ET

"I am the greatest blonde man in the world. I am Tru Viking." - Alexander Gustaffsson / "The world must bow to my glory. I am a God amongst mortals. They must pay me tribute in wine and concubine for my deeds." - Jon Jones "

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11.17.2016 | 6:31 PM ET

I've officially found out that Drew Scott is a mix between Kenflo and Lyoto Machida

"You fight midgets" - Nate Diaz

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12.24.2016 | 3:23 AM ET

Happy Festivus Eve!

* Edited at 12.24.2016, 3:24 AM ET *


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12.25.2016 | 12:35 AM ET

Murray Christmas ************s!

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12.26.2016 | 2:04 PM ET

It's a shame that George Michael just passed.

"The only thing predictable about MMA is that it is unpredictable."

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12.30.2016 | 12:01 AM ET

This is random. If you happen to have UFC fight pass, check out Pancrase - Eyes of the Beast 2, from back in 1995. All the fights were filmed from a top down, "birds eye" perspective. It's actually a kind of cool way to watch the fights.  There are names like Frank and Ken Shamrock and Bas Rutten on the card too, so that makes it all the more interesting. 

* Edited at 12.30.2016, 12:09 AM ET *

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12.30.2016 | 3:10 AM ET

Thanks for that going to watch that now .. I wonder what those guys back then would say if they could see where it would all lead to 

"I am the greatest blonde man in the world. I am Tru Viking." - Alexander Gustaffsson / "The world must bow to my glory. I am a God amongst mortals. They must pay me tribute in wine and concubine for my deeds." - Jon Jones "

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12.30.2016 | 7:58 AM ET

Pancrase back then was not really MMA due to rope escapes and no closed fist striking.

* Edited at 12.30.2016, 7:58 AM ET *

"The only thing predictable about MMA is that it is unpredictable."

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01.14.2017 | 2:23 PM ET

I saw on Veronica Macedo's Facebook that she has a fight lined up. No idea against who. Unfortunately, she said she's staying at bantamweight. I recall most of us here thinking she was small for the division and would be better off at strawweight. 

"His legacy is money. My legacy is smesh." -Khabib

MikeLovesTacos XD
MikeLovesTacos XD
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02.07.2017 | 11:46 AM ET

I am now a red belt.

"Why are you booing me? I am the GOAT. **** you." - Patricio "Pitbull" Freire

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02.09.2017 | 1:03 PM ET


Took you long enough.  I've been on this site less than you and I am already a ******* Spider belt. ;)

In all seriousness though, congratulations Mike!


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05.18.2017 | 8:50 PM ET

I like that this place still exists ignoring the fact that I haven't been here in about 2 years... Carry on, Tapology.. Carry on...

"If you're matched up against me, you better be prepared to give your life...because I am prepared to take it. - Conor McGregor"

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05.19.2017 | 8:08 AM ET

I miss the weekly contests.

"The only thing predictable about MMA is that it is unpredictable."

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07.04.2017 | 10:26 AM ET



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